Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2013 – Day 1
by Emanuele Quintarelli · 20 March 2013
Opening & Welcome
- Social Enterprise. Not a question of why but of how!
- Economic challenges calls for change. Organizational tensions amplify the situation
- After 5 years of social the formula of success is still missing
- We have early adopters challenged with the progress of their projects and late adopters challenged with a jump start
- Is social business in the through of disillusionment? To be discussed
- We have to discuss the social business mechanics (questioning existing processes & business model or not?) learning from good practices, the idea for new culture and management excellence, learn to execute (project and change management) to define a project plan
Keynote Session: Enabling the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution – Part 1
The State of E2.0 / Social Business – Dion Hinchcliffe
- Social has been around for a long time. Nothing new in the business. Business has always been social (Telephone 1890, Internet & Email 1993, )
- Change is speeding up. Pace of technology change is exponential. Life expectancy of S&P500 from 75 yrs to 15 yrs. Organizations cannot absorb this technology. Social changes so quickly we cannot keep up
- From consumer to the enterprise: Blogs (2003), Web 2.0 (2004), Social Media (2005), Enterprise (2006), Social Business (2008), CX (2012). Old technology is still there even if consumer world is innovating all the time.
- What do all this changes have in common? From transactions to engagement. Improving the connection between people. The challenge is moving from systems of record (transaction) to the systems of engagement
- Corporation are only slowly adopting to the era of engagement. Email is declining. Most of the people are spending their time online on social networks
- The backdrop: priorities of business leaders in 2013. Increasing enterprise growth, delivering operational results, reducing enterprise costs, attracting and retaining new customers. Technology is supporting it
- The channel shift has been global & swift but many companies are still struggling even spending $600B on engagement
- We have learned that social is the ideal platform to engage at scale
- When you do, you can build value (see P&G and OldSpice) in any single process
- Another way of looking at this is your company (small) and an enormous world outside
- Have we learned another another approach to scale together with the rest of the world?
- Let the network do the work. Loose control. The network has the bulk of the people and data. Mobilize our constituents and coordinate your partners to engage with the market. Activate your advocates. All coordinate working together
- With real and lasting business value as shown by McKinsey. Fully social organizations (networked) get outsized benefits (from 21 to 26%) vs 1-2 for those just experimenting with social or those doing that just internally (2-18%) or externally (8-12%). Talking about 1.3 trillion value
- The problem? 96% of internal and external social business efforts are not connected (social business council, 2012). Yet that’s where the most ROI is
- Social engagement is part of a single continuum (customers + world, business partners, employees)
- How are we faring today? 85% orgs are deploying, 18% report great success (informationweek 2013), 37% social media used regularly across entire business in 2013, 9% expect it to be fully integrated in to the org (AIIM Report 2012), 50% companies said social media key to the strategy (HBr 2013), 46% companies are globally planning investment in social media but only 22% middle managers feel prepared (IBM 2012), 52% of executives sa social business is important to the companies today, 86% it will be vital in the next 3 yrs (MIT)
- We are between early majority and late majority. Many vendors are part of the game and social biz is coming together with customer experience cross departments
- Social business standars are not there yet
- The ability to process our social data is the revolution. We are getting better for social at scale
- Intuit is harnessing customer advocates to drive high impact. 7.5M social support users / yr, 20 M social support transactions, in multiple product lines in their SMB division
- The future is putting emphasis on: the virtuous engagement loop, filtering social activity, real time analysis, community management, transformation efforts grow in size, building processes for scale
- T-Mobile is an example of data drive engagement through wich the cut customer defections in half in 90 days (Financial Times)
- Future companies (their CxO) will have social competencies and data supremacy, investment in data drive operations growing, social business will become business, social silos are coming down, worker/cust experience is becoming centered around extended multi-channel conversations
The Atos Social Collaboration Story (Zero email) – Robert Shaw
- Unlocking value and productivity through Enterprise Social Solutions not just reducing email
- How has social to support the business? How to introduce this way to work into business to let employees do their job better
- It all started from email 2yrs ago with 23% more than 3hrs a day on email, 33% 2-3 hrs, 20% 1.5-2 hrs. 44% more than 100 emails per day. 41% time spent on email according to Radicati Group already in 2009
- Any alternative way to encourage people to collaborate?
- In Feb 2011 the CEO said that ambition was to be a zero email company within in 3 yrs. 3,5M hits on Google. This is a very common problem, as common as environmental pollution. It has captured everybody’s attention.
- Shock is a starting point for changing people behavior
- The vision was a transformation program for the organization. Wanted to become a social organization supporting new ways of working to generate gains in efficiency, productivity, wellbeing through better collaboration, information, communication
- Zero email is just the outcome from better collaborative behaviors and enabling communities with a purpose to use the new technologies
- Email reduction (etiqette, notifications) + Collaborative Solutions (ESN, processes improvement, technology partnership, OCS Lync, Bluekiwi) + New ways of leading and collaborating ( communication, communities, training and change management, leadership 2.0) = Zero email company
- Some employees where already experimenting with social software but the organization wanted to support it strategically
- The program: 4 streams: process (tooling and optimisation), ESN deployment and adoption, change and communication, email measurement and optimisation
- 1400 communities, 20K people involved
- The trick is finding those communities and linking people across them. 90% people have a passive interest but you can link the 1% (active) and the 90% together
- Atos integrated ESN with the processes and other technologies. Thinking mobile first especially for the senior management
- Change through champions: global communities manager, GBU communities managers, community leaders
- Key performance indicators: change won’t happen instantaneously. While collaboration grows, email goes down. Email stays there for external actors and employees not in the ESN
- Business case: productivity, collaboration, employee satisfaction, innovation. The business case shouldn’t be sold only to the CEO because the message can resonate in different parts of the organization
- Social Collaboration is not a trend. It’s happening today. If you choose to ignore it, it will come anyway
Enabling the Social Business Revolution – Sandy Carter
- Who is ready? 79% use or plan to use social media, 22% of middle managers are prepared, 27% have dedicated social roles
- It’s not the technology. AGENDA methodology (Align organization goals and culture, gain social trust, engage through experiences, network your business processes, design for reputation and risk management, analyze your data) from Get Bold
- 5 inhibitors:
- selling to the board (the digital divide). Divide is shrinking: 16% CEO use socia today but 57% in 3-5 yrs, 73% primary channel for engaging customers in 5 yrs, over 55s on twitter increased 116% in last 9 months of 2012, by 2025 75% of workers will be millenials, 45% of millenials would trade salary for more mobility. You can sell to the CEO (i.e Electrolux) or you can sell to the division champions (TDBank). Use references and industry cases, social business agenda, roi models
- articulate business value: 20% increased customer satisfaction, 26% increased revenue per employee, 40% lower turnover rates (McKinsey, how social intelligence can guide decisions). Lowe’s have 228K employees connected by social avoided a class action through internal conversations. TDBank created a wow community where employees talked about great customer experience they have enabled (50K participants of 85K employees, 300K stories, 260 added daily)
- Culture is the success differentiator. IBM built a digital ibmer hub with 99 use cases for collaboration. You can use a culture assessment (boundaries, teaming, learning, management style, vertical comms, open comms, initiative, risk tolerance, pace, rules / process, hierarchy)
- Managing risk. It’s riskier to opt out of social. Manage the risk. You cannot eliminate it. Use crisis response planning. Establish alert systems
- Building new skills and roles. From technology enthusiasts and visionaries to pragmatists, conservatives. New competencies: community strategist, comm manager, social analytics manager, social reputation and risk manager, social customer support manager, social innovation manager. Social is creating 4x as many jobs as created by Internet. Leveraging reverse mentoring having younger mentors to mentor executives
- Next trending: mocomapps (mobile collaborative map based apps), cultural fluency (intercultural collab challenges for the workforce), gaming + solomo (trading electronic business cards)
Enterprise 2.0 Adoption Practices – Luis Suarez, J.J Thomas, E. Kolasniewski, Dr. HJ Sturm, B. Duperrin
SNCF – Jean Jacques Thomas
- Transportation company in France
- 5 BU for 30B euros turnover. Long distance high speed, freight, regional, station, infrastructure
- Innovation & research division: transverse coordination of the program, support 30% of the overall funding, 20% research teams
- Innovation boosters: install an innovation & Research supervisory board, redefining strategic innovation fields, new steering processes (based on improved project / portfolio management, transition from bottom-up skill oriented to a strategic top-down multidisciplinary process), a scientific and technical expert network to give a career perspective to experts (220 experts for 50 competencies), a breakthrough innovation method (C-K / DKCP), new IP policy and an innovation & research social network / collaborative platform
- Learning from failures: too many functionalities (Technopush, focus improvement on non functional dimensions), too opened (users lost in front of the confidentiality rules and levels), no name!, many little mistakes
- New version in 2012 called Share-I to simplify two usages: social network organized by themes and the groups as structured collaborative spaces to centralise documents / exchanges between groups on projects. Based on Drupal
- 783 members involved including 326 in 1 month
- 113 non SCNF members in 133 groups
- 100+ posts per month
Amadeus Journey to enable our social workplace – E. Kolasniewski, Dr. HJ Sturm
- Multinational company providing IT system for the global travel industry
- Knowledge company with 11K employees in 145 nationalities used to build solutions
- Increasing geographically dispersed with shrinking travel budgets
- Issues: breaking IT silos and silo mentality / organization
- From collaboration 0.5 to 1.5 by getting people engaged with easy to handle solutions. From 80+ solutions (intranets, groupware, file shares) to a single solution (WSSv3) with access to partners
- 850 communities, 9K users / month, 2500 partners, 2.4 M hits / month
- Initially no information flow, only team focused. Breaking organizational silos by creating knowledge management roles helping working cross divisions
- To break silo mentality through finding people that can help you, benefitting from other teams experience, avoiding duplication of efforts
- The workplace of the future (from J. McConnell, 2011): integrate with the internal world (business processes, line of business applications), integrate with the external world (partners, customers) through social, collaboration and managed communication also considering mobile
- Focus on solving problems and building trust between business units, giving guidance, building a plan and being ready to change it
- Challenges with middle managers, managing expectations (thinks don’t move fast enough)
The social intranet (r)evolution – Jane McConnell
- Why does the social intranet disrupt the organization
- Five reasons social intranets have not taken on and what we can do about it
- Digital workplace is managed, social collaboration, structured collaboration, mobile dimension. Combination of differnt dimensions rarely well coordinated
- Different stages: The Intranet (managed information and enterprise applications owned by communication, authoritative), structured collaboration (real work in the intranet, productivity and team work as the goal, business and IT work together to meet operational need, competition between the intranet and the collaborative platform), social collaboration (social media brings disruption, people are empowered, HR together with IT and communication, social still in a corner, where most organizations are today), all the dimensions comes together not necessarily on the same technology (3 dimensions coming together)
- Adoption lags deployment especially for the more disruptive capabilities (user generated content, commenting, multimedia sharing, content co-creation, finding people and expertise, networking, innovation, real time messaging, video conferencing).
- Five reasons: no urgency (no why?–> identify and communicate the compelling reason why the social intranet is critical), middle management forgotten (middle mng is key), no real empowerment (we don’t really let employees get power, freedom within a framework, i.e strategic principles), fragmented digital environments (fragmentation has increased through siloed platforms and user experiences, need social glue / social layer, purpose is key, usability is key), a lot to learn about change (and leadership and facilitation, work on behavior of peers and colleagues, start with operational groups not organizational groups and solve their issues, formal training and inclusion in job objectives rarely bring change)
Enabling the Social Enterprise Revolution – George Ell (Yammer)
- How to go from adoption to transformation
- Yammer has 6M registered users, 85% Fortune 500 company, Acquired by MSFT for $1.2bn
- Business world is changing faster than ever and not going to slow down. How to adapt to that?
- 3 ages of enterprise IT: focus on deployment (done is enough, i.e email, ERP), adoption by users (more is better, i.e intranet), value (WIIFM, transformation)
- Driving forces for this move from adoption to transformation: previous failures to show value, economic climate, customer expectations, value chain integration (increasingly global, competitive pressure, employee and user expectations
- Organisational vitality: buildings, processes, brand, liabilities, assets, org charts
- Collaboration + empowerment = transformation
- The big four benefits connected to technology. Big data (right decisions?), cloud (TCO), mobile (productivity?), social (collaboration?). The end value is speed
- Speed means decision making, project competition, research and ideas, sharing results, customer response and satisfaction
- The organization that adapts earliest in the highest number of increments will compound its advantage over rivals accelerating away
- Success requires adaptability. Software complexity (decreasing) meets user requirements and ability to consume to build connected experiences
- Key ideas and practices: don’t run before you can walk, build complex behaviors on top of simple ones, give people reasons to participate (instead of forcing them), getting buy-in from people (encourage people to think about the value they add, understand what people need, focus project on relevancy to people’s actual work, tell success stories)
Key adoption issues for the Social Enterprise (r)evolution – R.Sternberg, T.Mitter, T. Christinck, S. Aknin, R.Collin, D.Hinchcliffe, L.Suarez
- Technology offers wide possibilities but the exact way of using it is found by the user. This is often overlooked
- Usefulness of web 2.0 doesn’t manifest itself immediately
- New technology often boast an overwhelming variety of features with questionable usability
- Apps open to any kind of use. People will need to find a way to apply them to their daily work
- Removal of spatial barriers demands rules. Boundaries between online and offline disintegrate
- The value of communicating and knowledge sharing is difficult to calculate so it is often not appreciated
- Social media for internal communication often viewed as a burden. Value not evident
- Organizational change is demanding. Implementation should be supported by processes and utilization
- Leadership struggles to lead by example
- Social utilization and freedom of technology met by fixed structured
- Open-to-use leads to new application utilization not mapped in enterprise rules
- Certain tools used only by a specific groups
- Dynamics in tool development and openness to any use introduces new challenges (i.e tool rivalry)